Tuesday, September 24, 2013


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Some days I feel terribly inadequate when I look around the blog-o-sphere at some of the amazing talent out there.  It is mind boggling how in this day and age we can literally peek into the studios and homes of people and see what they have created.  It is even sweeter when they are the type of people to share the hows and whys of their projects in order to encourage us to give it a whirl.  Shelly of Shizzle Design is one of those great people who shares, and let me tell you there is no fear in Shelly!  If you haven't visited her blog go there right after you read this so you can see her amazing furniture.  She also lived in Hawaii, which definitely endears her to me since we did also and I love it when she throws in a Hawaiian phrase or two.  So when you visit say, 'Aloha!'

Shelly worked some awesome magic on a beautiful cabinet and I was so intrigued by her technique I just had to try it out.  Here is my poor attempt to copy her technique.  Her finished product is so much more fantastic than mine, but I'll show you what I ended up with.

This was a plain Jane Octagon side table when we started.  The drawer insets were cheap, thin fiber wood and they were broken.  I replace them with some sprayed decorative metal I had salvaged from another broken piece.  You'll think I'm insane when you see what it looked like with the first coat applied.
Yep, the undercoat is a bunch of fun little colors.  I worked with Versailles, Aubusson, Duck Egg, Primer Red and Graphite in Annie Sloan paints, Amber Waves of Grain and Rushmore in American Paint Company, and some Alaskan Tundra Green in CeCe Caldwell paints.  All are no prime chalk, clay or mineral based paints.  Love them.  Slap them on haphazardly, that is a true painting technique don't you know?!  I used the Rushmore in 2 light coats over the top, though I might have been able to get away with 1.
Using a combination of light sanding and wet distressing (mostly wet distressing) I gradually exposed some of the underlying paints.  Shelly's tutorial shows you in great detail how she does this.  Check it out!

On the top I dry brushed more Rushmore on top of the Graphite.  I dry brushed in both directions and then went back and sanded and wet distressed until I was happy with the results.  I used American Paint Company's dark wax to finish her off.   Here are a few more looks at the project.

What a fun little side table!  Many Ma halo's to Shelly for being so generous with her amazing skills!
A Hui Ho!

Linking to:

Elizabeth and Co.
Furniture Feature Fridays

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Throne

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Let me start by saying that I am praying for all the families from the Naval Yard affected by today's tragedy.  It is unbelievable that we are seeing this yet again!  It seems rather bizarre and insensitive to be thinking about anything but that today without at least acknowledging my great sorrow at the suffering so many will be feeling today.  My heart aches for you!

This summer for VBS I (a known picker) was tagged with finding an arm chair which could be outfitted to look like a throne.  Of course, that's all the excuse I needed to get out there and look for a likely chair!  I do wish I had taken a photo of the grungy gal she was, her brief moment as the The Throne for a wonderful week of VBS but then I'm not exactly known for thinking of those things ahead of time!  That's why my posts are one continually lament and apology for what could have been.

So, here you go with the reveal at least.
For this project I was trying a new paint from The Plaster Paint Company.  I was not paid or given anything to tell you about this paint, but hey, I like to my experiences with new products when I can.  First of all this is a latex based paint with a plaster mixed in.  I bought a paint of this yummy green color Mossy Green.  As with many of these wonderful new paints, no priming necessary (Yes!).  So I just cleaned the dust off and went to town.  I did use 2 coats, and in a couple of areas 3, to get it well covered.  I let my project rest overnight before distressing because my experience with just plain latex paints tells me that it might be too rubbery for a time after painting.  I doubt you'd really have to do that, but it just worked out for me.  I distressed with a sanding block and it went very smoothly and easily.

I was very impressed with the ease of putting this paint down.  The marks you see on this piece were due to the pickling/antiquing done to this chair during construction/production.  The paint showed minimal to no brush marks, was easy to clean up, and dried fairly quickly.  
The finish feels nice and smooth and the color is great.  I used wax and a final buff to give it a nice hard finish.  I bought a pint of this paint and maybe used 1/2, or 1 cup, of paint.  In a couple of spots I did get a few little white flecks which I suspect would be due to the plaster mixture they use, but the paint in the can is very well blended and saved me the trouble of mixing my own!  Another plus, low VOC, which is always pleasant!
A fun, funky piece of fabric completed this project and you'll find this for sale at the Prairie Market here in 1 month!  Ga!  I'd better get crackin'!

Have a great week!  Deb

P.S. I went quiet for some time in part because I was working on 6 pieces of furniture to be featured in 2 different homes at the Omaha Street of Dreams!  If you get a chance go tour the SoD where you will see some fabulous homes.  My pieces are in the Absolute Customs homes on the tour.  Enjoy!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

She's 17

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16 years ago this photo was taken of our daughter Michaela.

We were in Nanchang, China and we met this most perfect, precious little girl , and we were instantly in love.  One of our fellow travelers shot this photo and sent it to us, so the one and only copy is taped down in a photo album.  So excuse the poor photo quality, but I love this picture of her so.

Here she is now, 17 years old today,
still so precious, so serene, and beautiful.  I can hardly believe that these years have passed so quickly.  I can not fathom yet, the idea of her leaving home to go to college in less than a year.  I have no idea how I will live without seeing her quiet smile, and twinkling eyes every day.  I cry too for her birth mother who made a difficult decision and has not had the privilege of watching her grow up into a Godly young woman of great character. A young lady who loves her family, adores all animals, is smart and thoughtful.  God gave us this child to raise, love and cherish and we are so eternally thankful for his gracious gift!  Michaela, we love you and are so proud of you and who you've become.
There are some great days ahead of you daughter!  There will be tough times too, but look to those who love you and with God's help we will find the sunshine every time.  
I wish you great joy today and every day of your life!  Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Mom, Dad, Madison, & Ellarie
professional photos by Laura Cejka Photography